MERIDIAN International School Vienna
Your private Bilingual Primary school

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German & English Primary School in Grinzing

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Cambridge International Curriculum & ISCD Level 1

Classes in

German & English



MERIDIAN Bilingual Primary School is an international private school with both German and English as their primary language of instruction. Your child will benefit from this immersive experience and gain the confidence needed to become a prospering student. Situated in the picturesque and historic location of Grinzing, Vienna, our future-oriented school model meets all the foundations needed for a diverse and inspiring school life.

Private Primary School for Bilingual Children

Each classroom has a maximum of 20 students who are looked after by two native speakers – one with German and one with English as their mother tongue – who support their students throughout all subjects.

The MERIDIAN International School provides a safe, well-supervised and inspiring environment for acquiring new skills. Bilingualism at a very young age is proven to positively influence the child’s learning process, to increase their creativity and provide many other cognitive benefits.

The following subjects are taught in English from day one:

Geography, History, Biology, Music, Art, Handcrafts & Physical Education

As the MIS is an all-day primary school, daily classes take place from 8:30 am to 3:35 pm. To accommodate the demands of modern families we offer the possibility of extended morning, afternoon and holiday supervisions from 8am to 5pm. The students are encouraged to attend further excursions and extracurricular activities, which are also taught both in English & German. This way you do not have to worry any longer about finding an afternoon care for your child.

The MERIDIAN International School (MIS) Benefits

Digital Open day at MERIDIAN

Multilingualism starting from Day one

Advantages of the MERIDIAN Bilingual Primary School Education

School community

Flexibilty through lived multilingualism

The international school environment at the MIS encourages the STUDENTS to gain proficient LAnguage Skills whilst ensuring the enjoyment of communication

Our educational content follows the austrian state curriculum for Primary Schools & is Complemented by international components

Internationally oriented But rooted in Austria

Well-balanced performance orientation through diversity

Teachers coming from different teaching Backgrounds demonstrate individual learning approaches & solutions

Your child will be perfectly prepared for any german and/or english secondary School in Austria

Independent & future-oriented

MERIDIAN offers daily Supervision from 8 am to 5 pm

3 easy steps towards your school application

Here’s how to apply to the MERIDIAN Bilingual Primary School in only 3 steps

Get in touch with our school via the Inquiry Form or by Phone

Make an online appointment for our weekly information events (Currently via Zoom-Conference)

Receive all essential application documents from MIS




What MERIDIAN offers

Private All-Day Primary School Benefits

Classes in German according to the Austrian State Curriculum for Primary Schools

Global Teaching Model: 2 Native Speaking Teachers (English & German) per Class

Daily Supervision from 8 am to 5 pm with Studying Aid & Preparatory Classes as well as Further Extracurricular and Leisure Activities such as Arts & Crafts and Sports

Classes in English according to the Cambridge International Curriculum

Small classes: Max. 20 Students per Class

Daily Shuttle Service from Wien-Mitte Directly to our School in Grinzing

Regular School Trips & Excursions

  • Reading
  • STEM – Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics
  • Accompanied Homework Lessons

Regular Preparatory Classes

  • Art & Creativity
  • Gardening & Daily Hour Spent in Fresh Air
  • Engineering for Kids
  • Handcrafts

Talent Promotion

  • Tennis
  • Soccer
  • Climbing
  • Chinese
  • Russian
  • French
  • Spanish and more

Additional Language Lessons

Attractive Sport Programs

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Zusätzliche Begabungsförderung

At the MERIDIAN Bilingual Primary School your child gets to enjoy the usage of two important languages from day one in their everyday school life. Studies show that bilingual education techniques that use the immersion method led to practically mastering the second language as if it were the mother tongue. In addition, cognitive skills such as creativity, language awareness or thinking in alternative solutions are encouraged.

A Multicultural Experience for Your Child

Multilingualism Starting with Day One

Our goal at the MERIDIAN Bilingual Primary School is for our students to blossom in their linguistic, cultural as well as social identities. We encourage the children to be committed and responsible individuals and to approach other people, languages and cultures openly with empathy and respect.

The combination of the immersion method and our native speaking teachers enables our students to access a second language in a playful way. This builds the foundation for successfully developing comprehensive language skills.

Teaching based on the immersion method means being completely surrounded by a language. The students do not learn English or German through conventional language classes, but rather through the daily implementation in and after class.

Immersion as the Way of Learning

6 great reasons for the
MERIDIAN Bilingual Primary School in Vienna

Let your child deepen their language skills from day one in the multilingual setting at the MERIDIAN Primary School




Offer your child a safe & ideally equipped school environment, where they can feel inspired and enjoy acquiring new skills

Multilingual from day 1

All day care

Ideal learning environment

Rely on small classes with a maximum of 20 students & our additional full-time supervision, so your child gets the attention they deserve

Count on our specifically trained teachers, who are equipped with a variety of modern pedagogical approaches & solutions for your child to achieve the best results

Rely on enough creative space & freedom for your child to develop successfully and master two globally important languages with ease

Prepare your child to be a responsible & independent individual for their further school education



Ideal preparation

State-of-the-art pedagogy

Creative freedom


School fee monthly basis

EUR 792,- / month (12x per year)

School fee two instalments

EUR 4.692,- / semester (2x per year)

School fee full school year advance payment

(12 months)

EUR 9.182,-


EUR 167,- / month (10x per year)

Tuition fees

Application fee one-time payment

EUR 250,-

Investment fee one-time payment

EUR 1.500,-

Security deposit

EUR 500,-

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School fee full school year advance payment (12 months)

School fee full school year advance payment (12 months)

In the Meridian bilingual school, students are exposed to both languages equally during the school day, rendering the students academically balanced bilinguals. I find their educational system perfect for kids. Kids can learn English and German with native speakers. Furthermore, children are offered a lot of different extracurricular activities.

P.S.: there are also preparation courses for kids who don’t speak English or German! It’s also a great benefit of the school!

- Полина Глухова | Polina Glukhova

I like the idea that we can nurture a bilingual or multilingual kid

What the parents say

About the MERIDIAN Bilingual Primary School?

The MERIDIAN Bilingual Primary School was founded in 2019 by Mag. Tatiana and Konstantin Dshajani. Our all-day private school is driven by our tireless pedagogical and administrative team as well as financially supported by school fees and further contributions paid by our students’ parents.

All our students are perfectly prepared for any German and/or International secondary school in Austria. Transferring to our School from a public school is possible at any time. We are currently planning our own secondary school for the long-run.

What options do the students have after graduating from the MERIDIAN Bilingual Primary School?

The MERIDIAN Bilingual Primary School is a private school without any religious background. We welcome students of all nationalities, ethnicities and religions. The Austrian state curriculum for primary schools includes religion as an obligatory subject. It is your choice whether your child should participate or not.

What is your approach to religion?

As the MIS is an all-day private school, the students will have their regular lessons from 8:30 am to 3:35 pm. Beyond this, we offer daily supervision (also during school holidays) from 8 am to 5 pm. Before and after class the students are free to take part in any extracurricular activities they choose, such as additional language classes.

How is a typical school day structured?

MERIDIAN Bilingual Primary School FAQ

Your private Bilingual Primary school

We will gladly answer your questions!

© MERIDIAN Bilingual Primary School Grinzing | All Rights Reserved

Himmelstraße 11, 1190 Vienna